Chat with thousands of people, meet new ones, play games, have fun!
Using Chat Land , chat with thousands of people, chat with them. Start chat now. Meet new people. Play word games. Play games with other people. Non-Local Chat Land is a chat application. Start chatting now with thousands of people.
Terms and Conditions
It is forbidden to engage in any offensive or inappropriate actions or behaviors on all our channels and in our public rooms. The user is removed from our chat rooms for an unlimited period of time.
It is illegal for users to repeatedly copy the same message, that is, to flood it.
Our site is suitable for ages 18 and over.
Advertising is prohibited in public and other chat rooms. Users who advertise and promote different sites are expelled from the system.
Asking users for passwords and e-mail addresses in chat rooms does not comply with our rules.
No fee can be charged to visitors for free chat rooms. If you encounter such a situation, please inform us in the contact section.
It is mandatory to act in accordance with religious and moral rules.
Chatting with fake nicknames and genders is prohibited.
Our site cannot be considered problematic due to conversations made during mutual chat. You can report the user you are uncomfortable with to the administrative team.
Opening windows on multiple screens and chatting with different usernames does not comply with our chat rules.
You can help us create a better quality friendship environment by following the rules.
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